Monday, July 6, 2009

snazzin' up new kicks and lovin' She and Him

~I got some new music and some new sneakers....

These are my brand spankin' new $5 kicks

I added some scrappy flowers, fun and easy...that's my style

~also, On a whim my sweet lover downloaded the She and Him album, Vol I for me.I cannot hear it enough ~maybe you feel the same as me.

...I find my self practicing my pronunciation of "brag" every time I hear this song; trying mightily to get it just like her(Zooey Deschanel) and yet never quite
ahhh what a belle.


  1. Love! She and Him! So wonderful. I'm got obsessed when I first heard it and recently fell in love all over again.

  2. Okay, thank you so much for putting up the She and Him stuff. I am now hooked and downloaded it into my iPod this morning and was grooving out on the way to work!!

    Cute shoes, too!!
