Monday, June 14, 2010

Burn Baby Burn, and Treasure too!

~Burger and I returned from our trip with MaMe to the Valley which included a day at the beach. I am a diligent about sunscreen on my burger, especially at the beach. We have had terrific results with our sunscreen every year and it did not fail this year. I am thrilled to report I did not burn the Burger!!

~However I was not so diligent with my own aging skin and manage to burn myself to an utter crisp?! I got a little confused about the SPF I usually use on myself and put on 15 (usually 30) and did not reapply when I reapplied burger's ?! I am still paying for it 5 days later as you can see my little nose is slothing off. I do not think I have been this burned since i was a wee mite; long before sunscreen was en Vogue.
I am sure a certain Esthetician friend of mine is going to be scolding me.

....but enough about my self neglectfully inflicted pain
~LOOK loook looooky! at all the sweet vintage and recyclable treasures I found at the Thrift in The Valley!! It was a glorious day...even if it was a bit uncomfortable waddling around all crispy!! So long as I could bring home vintage knit!!!~I leave you with a look at Burger " milking the cows winkle" you can probably guess what a winkle is in these parts(burger's creative language) although I did not get the winkles in the photo!


  1. OMG I had that bedspread growing up! I found it at my mom's house last week...been thinking of how to refashion it for my girls!

    Hope your burn gets better!

  2. Cuuuttteee stuff!! And we could be peeling nose twins cause mine finally, just right now, is almost done peeing after a week of major peeling.

  3. So cute, all of it, even the nose. Listned to you on the podcast and came over to visit. Great finds!
