~We made super simple cards this year. They were so easy and you probably already have all the supplies. It was a full family affair Daddy designed and cut our trees.I chose all the bits and cut them and put them in separate bins, Finally Burger decorated them this was his first full on free for all glue project. He liked the second round gluing best( on the red squares) You could easily change the colors of the construction paper. Of course your little one may get bored half way through but it is also a fun creative exercise for you.
10 sheets red
5 sheets green construction paper
scraps of other multi colored paper( could be from recycle bin)
buttons and or cardboard cut into bits
ribbon, yard , string
1. design and cut your tree template. Fold one sheet of paper( any color) in half and cut then in half again and cut so you have 1/4 of the sheet. Fold that sheet in half and free draw your tree on half then cut out.The negative will be your template.
2 prepare the paper. Fold all your paper in half and cut or using a ruler tear in half . Fold in half again and cut or tear just the green ones. The red will be the actual card. Fold the green in half again .Trace your tree from you original template onto all the green folded sheets and cut them out. We used the cut outs and the negative cut outs for our cards.
3. make your bits bins. We had bins as follows:
ribbon and yarn, buttons and cardboard cut outs about the same size as buttonssome paper bits cut into all sorts of shapes and sizes( we used our scrap paper box here), paper "ribbons"
4. Glue it up. Decorate the trees and half of the red backgrounds. This was Burger's favorite part. I set them aside overnight to dry ( 3 year olds use LOTS of glue)
5. Attach the trees to the undecorated red cards and the negative trees to the decorated cardsLet dry completely.
6.Press between 2 clean sheets of pare under heavy books and your all set to spread some Christmas cheer special made by you and yours.
It's Monster Jam Time
3 hours ago