"Oh I miss the summer"! I vaguely remember (through the hot hazy humidity in my brain)how I pined for the oh so hot days where we splash merrily about in the cold spring waters of
deep eddy... I forgot about the miserable car ride to get there( which we have not brought ourselves to make with gas at 3.86 a gal here) and the fact that if you don't get outside before 10:00 you can forget about doing any yard work or playing with anything but the hose. I also conveniently forgot about the vicious army of mosquitoes that set up camp on our street 9-10 months out of the year.( really)

However I am beginning to remember delicious capresse salad made from my own organic tomatoes, and sweet icebox pickles that dondacinda makes us from our loads and loads of cukes! We have beautiful plants that we started from seeds.


(These are brandy wine tomato leaves, they are huge!)


broccoli( which we had for dinner tonight!)

bush beans(we already have enough beans for dinner later this week!),
squash(i have a great recipe for squash flower soup I will share in a few weeks)
yumyum squash flowers

peppers,and soon okra and sunflowers. Oh and of course basil( i must have lots of basil)
this is our beautiful dill plant that is flowering now ( my sweet neighbor gave me seeds at the end of last summer)

Needless to say the summer garden prospects are making me very happy

We are also discovering how wonderful it is to get really really dirty with our finger paints and then hose ourselves down for a long while till we are too tired to walk too the house.
(precursor to naptime)

burger is getting very,very,tired eyes(love those tired eyes)

pretty pretty burger pictures, we call the finger paints yellow( all of them or maybe he means the act of finger painting not sure)

finger painted mama

Daddy found a family and pet safe insect yard repellent(
cedarcide) that seems to work as long as there is no rain. We got a 10# bag at the
natural gardener for $15 that covered our entire back yard( its is pretty big). I put it out in the morning then a few hours later went out with no spray and got no bites(this is unheard of w/o some sort of spray). Unfortuntely it rained that evening and the rain rendered the granules ineffective. Luckily it does not rain in central Texas during the summer very often. So we will rebroadcast the stuff and update you on it's effectiveness.
Bring it on texas summer we are ready(i hope) for you.