~This is one of my favorite
pre-dinner indulgences. We usually do this with your regular old round peppery radishes( and it is very yummy just the same) but KG got some fancy
french breakfast radishes this week.

....The flavor of this radish is crisp and mild perfect for this little snack.
Radishes with butter and kosher salt
Ingredientsradishesunsalted cold butterkosher salt
procedureAll you do is slice the radish about half way and then slice little piece out then replace it with a sliver of butter and sprinkle some salt on them. KG got me hooked on these.
I've never even seen these little radishes before.. very cute. I'll have to keep an eye out now.
go KG!
(ps...i can't WAIT to see you!!!)
also, isn't burger's bday coming up?
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