~Late summer is rough in central Texas, so I am thankful it is perfect for big beautiful okra plants.
These plants tend to bring loads of okra that need rescuing from the fry daddy.

One of my preferred rescue method is stewed with tomatoes. If we are lucky there are still plenty of ripening tomatoes sitting about the sills and counter tops. It was not until I started growing my own okra that I started branching out to other methods of okra cooking rather than fried.

Its funny, my Nanny always grew and cooked okra, it was a staple in the summer at family meals at her house. She also froze enough for Thanksgiving and Christmas, however I only remember it fried. This is probably cause I was a kid and would not eat unidentified goulashes. Another late summer pleasure of course is homegrown tomatoes. Tomatoes were another thing I had issue with as very small child. I remember very clearly the day I discovered how yummy fresh sliced tomatoes were. I must have been 6 or so and I was at my Nanny's neighbors house playing with their grand kids. I do not even remember the folks names (or faces) but I remember that sweet tomato slice . I didn't want to try it but I was raised polite-like. Well any ways here is my recipe for Stewed tomatoes with okra
Ingredients2-3 slices bacon1/2 c sweet chopped onion3 medium tomatoes dicedone mess of okra( about lb or so)sliced or wholeTony's to taste( or just salt and pepper)1-2 c stock* a word about okra prep. I like mine whole if they are not too big, otherwise slice them up. You can trim the cams and tips if you like. I leave them on the wholes and trim them if I am slicing.Processcook bacon , add onion cook till translucent, add tomatoes and seasoning. De glaze with 1/2 c stock. Add okra and fill till just covered with stock. Bring to a boil then simmer for about 30 min.
PS....Enjoy the slime,
It is yummy and very good for you. Did I mention how amazingly beautiful and lovely the okra flowers are?

Another way to get into some okra
lovin' is
pickled okra,
Kg's mom makes some
pickled okra, However, if you are not us it does come to your local grocer... If you have never tried it go now and
get you some !