~Hi Ya'll, this is a re post from November 2008 ...we are still packing and getting the new house ready. I am working on some Holiday tutorials, hope to post one soon...until then , don't just eat turkey...
gobble gobble
In the first 3 months after my son was born ( and the month I was on bed rest before he was born) While learning to nurse, snuggling, and recovering from childbirth(Cesarean) I watched lots and lots of law and order( love me some Chris Noth cicra 1990)

... and the cooking network . My favorite was of course
Paula Dean cause well cause she is Paula( it was like my mama was right there instead of in Bama).

But in the kitchen I find I like her tips more than her recipes. When put to the test
Giada's Everyday Itailian had the recipes that worked time and time again. they suited mine and daddy's taste best. (my mother in-law , who is a master in the kitchen loves
Ina and does well tweaking her recipes but I did not have as good of luck). Any way I learned a lot of smart things from that skinny Italian girl Anyone who pushesNutella as this lady does is alright by me (no matter how skinny she is) .

The first was something I tried for valentines; which was
chocolate raviolis using wonton wrappers for the pasta and Nutella for the filling. Very delish,very very yummy.
So then My mom got me Giada's book
Everyday Italianand I must say I use it even more that my
Loretta Lynn cookbook,
"you're cookin' it country"
The great thing about Giada's book is that the recpies are easy to make your own . She has a great marinara that I keep stocked in my freezer, I also use the brown butter sauce recipe(below), on all kinds of pasta.
So what is this post about? Well I had about half of my sugar pumpkin puree' left from the
pumpkin zucchini bread I made last week. It was getting past the stage of being able to freeze it. So I decide to make some pumpkin raviolis. Giada actually has a
recipe in her book for this but she bought the pumpkin raviolis. I bought some about a month ago and they were so bland that daddy was a little testy during dinner( no meat and bland raviolis).
So anyway I started doing a little recipe hunt and found
these beautiful photos of ravioli using wonton wrappers also, on
Wandering Chopsticks. This recipe seemed a little too bland for the discerning taste buds of my man so I searched on and
found one from Martha. This one looked interesting but I did not have the Locatelli cheese..and my food budget was already in the fridge this week. So I decided to wing it and the recipe below is what I came up with.
Pumpkin RavioliWonton wrappers
1/12 c fresh pumpkin puree’
1/2tsp kosher salt to taste
Fresh ground pepper
1/4c fresh grated Parmesan
2-3 Tb brown sugar
1 tb fresh chopped sage
1/8 tsp nutmeg
Brown Butter Sauce with Sage
from my memory of Giada's Everyday Itailian recipe6-8 sage leaves torn into pieces
One stick of salted butter (yummy)
Pinch nutmeg
1/2 c grated Parmesan
Adapted from everyday Italian
Cook butter on med heat till pale about 4-6 minutes
Add sage leaves fry in butter till crisp (about 2-3 minute)
Add salt pepper and nutmeg
Add ravioli then toss in cheese and serve
Garnish with Parmesan and fresh pepper
~As you can see I use about half a teaspoon of the filling in each wrapper

~Then brush one side with egg wash or water if you are out of eggs and fold over into a little triangle and crimp the edges lightly with a fork.

~ This amount of filling made about 35-40 raviolis. I did not take photos last night...because honestly I did not have a lot of faith in the recipe I also only made half of the raviolis(for the same reason). So today I made the rest and froze them .

~I also made 2 for Burger's lunch at his request. I didn't bother to make sauce for these; I just put a pat of butter and some Parmesan on them and called it lunch.

~I was surprised to find that they tasted even better today after sitting in the fridge all night I guess the filling reached a peak flavor... Anyway I was very excited and so I am sharing.