Sunday, June 21, 2009

Panty Tutorial: How to make your own drawers

Well folks I think I have been talkin' about this tutorial for about a year, so I finally pulled it out. There are millions( ok maybe not millions, but a whole heck of a lot) of variations and add ons but I was trying to do the simplest one first.

sewing machine
1 yd stretch elastic or fold over elastic
paper for pattern(paper bag or newspaper)
old t shirt or any knit material
pair of underwear to cut and make pattern from

Make your knickers !!

1. Cut or fold your undies so you can make your pattern. First Cut or fold on seam between front and back of the undies. Then fold each piece in half at the center.( I made a hybrid pattern from two different undies I liked different things about the cut of each)

2. Trace and cut your pattern pieces. There will be three pieces (front, back and the lining) that will be cut on the fold. You should cut the front panel first then cut the crotch off the front panel to get the pattern piece for the lining. Lie the pieces as flat and symmetrical as possible on your pattern paper(I Try to use the manufactured straight edge of my paper as the center fold line, This way I know that line is straight) Trace around your fabric piece leaving about 1/8-1/4 " edge. At the hips add 5/8 to each piece(front and back ) for your seam allowance. This pattern may take a bit of tweaking to get the way you like so use up and the oldest ugliest t-shirts on your first pair then you can make adjustments to your pattern from there

3. Cut and iron the T-shirt into usable fabric pieces. For my undies I just cut around the seams to free the front panel of this large mans shirt . I was using only the front image for this pair. I cut the front panel from a large enough scrap of fabric I had in my cotton knit pile.

4. Decide and arrange any key design elements from your fabric.( I wanted stewie's face on the bum)
5. Pin, cut and Iron your pattern pieces from your fabric.
6. Zigzag your edges on the lining to stop the fray.
7 Attach your lining and your panties together. Make a sandwich aligning all the edges from their center; on bottom, front piece wrong side up, next back piece wrong side down, next lining right side down (longest width as the edge ) Zigzag stitch all pieces in place.
8. Flatten and pin the lining to the center of the panties to hold in place.Run your iron over everything to be tidy.
9. Sew both legs about a 1/4" from the edge with a zigzag crossing over the lining( treat the lining as the edge to sew from)
11. trim/ even up any excess edges
12 Attach trim to the legs.( I do not cut my trim in advance I work from a large piece and trim it at the end of the stitching) Using a zigzag, topstitch the trim directly to the legs. Attaching stretchy trim to stretchy fabric can be tricky, so if you have not tried this before practice on some comparable scraps to get the hang of it. I do not pin, I simply line up my trim overlapping the panty by about 1/4 " and slow and steady send it through the machine. Most folks will say to try not to stretch either material very much however I do give a little tug to my trim, (not as much as I would with a woven fabric mind you). Maybe my machine pulls the fabric a little. This is something I worked out with my little Brother. That is why I recommend a little practice will take you far.

13. Attach one side of undies. With right side together with a zigzag (5/8 seam allowance). Sew from bottom up matching up the leg trim. Finish the seams with a zigzag and trim
14. Trim waist line if needed to flow smoothly front and back
15. Attach trim to waist just as with the leg trim.

16. Finish by attaching other side of undies with right side together with a zigzag (5/8 seam allowance). Sew from bottom up matching up the leg trim and waist line. Finish the seams with a zigzag and trim.

~Some great places to shop online for supplies for this project:
Bra Componets
Sew Sassy Fabrics
CryBabys Boutique
Fashion Fabric Club

* just wanted to show you how cute and comfy they are, the model is a willing and knowing legal adult and this is not a dirty picture!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Paw Paw...we made you cupcakes!!!

~We miss you Jack...Burger and I talked about paw paw and the swamp, and made cupcakes in your honour

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yummy Summer reads

~Crazy Appalachia moth love
The Prodigal Summer By Barbara Kingslover

~Short ,Sweet, and dark
Farewell Navigator By Leni Zumas

Beautiful inspiration
Lotta Prints by Lotta Jansdotter

~Large and quite juicy
Anais Nin by Deirdre Bair

~Just picked this up yesterday and cannot wait to make at least 3/4 of the projects! All the Women's clothing looks doable and wearable, super excited
Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Shift

" when things do not feel right, make a shift" Jessica my yoga instructor 2 weeks ago

~Things are feeling kinda sludge like round here in central Texas. The weather we have been enduring this early summer is more like July and August not May and June. I usually shift down into a slower mode but it is a little harder to make the change so quickly. I have been struggling with whether or not I want to keep our market booth, because the summer is darn near unbearable. We have not been out to the market in almost 2 months, I am sure there is more to it than the heat but either way I have been in limbo about it.~ I find when I am undecided about one thing it affects everything else causing everything to sort of stall out( like my serger currently being serviced). So I am trying to make a shift into a more determined and comfortable position. We shall see
~We will probably do the market maybe 3 times this summer(once every 6 weeks or so). Then when the weather breaks in the fall we can step it up if we like.SinceI will not be at the market so much I decided to head over to Parts and Labor on south congress and peddle my Belle and Burger goods.
~ As usual Lazelle was warm and enthusiastic about my clothes. She always gives great feedback and boosts my confidence. When I first started sewing clothes to sell ( about 5 years ago) I sold out of parts and labor. They have relocated into a larger store and it is quite lovely !

~This kind of shift....I made a new dress pattern from a summer tunic shirt I got last year. I decide to make it a sheet dress the first time around. I made it sleeveless(the tunic had little cap puffy sleeves) and I added a scrappy wrap belt..... From my brooch stash I pulled this sweet little bicycle number and added it to the ensemble because it went perfectly with the shift and the belt. ~My sweet pal Blue Mama decided she needed to add the shift to her wardrobe. She makes it look super sassy and cute with her black cowgirl boots! This photo was a lil' impromptu bloggers meet at my house( very fun) It is Mama Sings the Blues(center in the shift) and Crazy Texas Mama (left)and me Belle and burger(right).

A sweet southern trio like Dolly, Emmy lou. and Linda, (How do you like that CTM, a dolly comparison ....are we friends forever now?)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank the Lord it rained in Austin

~Last night in Austin we had quite a rumble in the skys . It only lasted about an hour but the sky dumped quite a bit of rain on central Texas. I love walking through the garden the morning after a good rain.~The lakes are all down so I have been keeping the watering to a bare minimum to stay alive.
Once going the tomatoes and the okra can carry on with once a week of deep watering

okra with stewed tomatoes one of my favorite summer sides....I will share my recipe later
but I am fearful we are gonna loose our beans, cukes, and summer squash soon. I am gonna try frying some blossoms with the tender baby squash whole. I have seen a recipe for this but it is alluding me right now.
...With the crazy triple digits (temp wise)we are in the middle of ;A big water dump will help keep our little gardens going a bit longer.

~I don't know a thing about corn, but we planted some because Burger wanted to. The corn has been quite magical with its crazy alien tops and all the lady bugs that have taken up residence in its tops..... but now,I think we have an actual piece of corn in there

speaking of little aliens in the garden....
~On a final note I have a few pest questions. Can anyone tell me what these mini beasts are called? are they bad? we are havin' the darnedest time figuring it out...
Also the squirrels are getting my green tomatos any remedies ? I am might have to get me a pellet gun ...the tomatoes are that important!!(although my shot is pretty bad)