~Have I ever mentioned that it is hot here in central Texas? and that you can count on a little crisp air starting maybe after Halloween(not before mind you). Well it makes it hard on us gals down here to sport all those sweet fall fashions. We can pull out the cute chord or wool skirts around Thanksgiving(maybe) but no tights please just some cute knee stockings. So what is
a fashion forward lady living in central Texas, to do? Well, I have found a way to fight the powers that be!(be
messin' up my fall fashion). The answer, my friends, is Linen

~Linen (I have learned lately) is one of the oldest fabrics and it is the best fabric for extreme heat.
"Linen is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant, Linum usitatissimum. Linen is labor-intensive to manufacture, but when it is made into garments, it is valued for its exceptional coolness and freshness in hot weather" wikipedia~Also it comes in lovely fall colors. And correct me here(my northern counterparts)if I am wrong; but I
believe that a with little layering (I am thinking about lovely slippery under things) it can be perfect for fall weather anywhere??It is also quite a pleasure to sew. Linen seems to want to stay where you press it. (love that)

~So here are two of my latest skirts both custom orders. This is my new "fall" pattern A line with a FOE elastic waist (so comfortable, also FOE sews excellent on the linen).

...The skirt is longer than my summer offering, flares a little at the bottom (30's nod), and is a teeny bit snugger through the hips.

The first Skirt has a bouquet of Nasturtiums on a rust Linen(
LALALALOve this fabric).

All the applique flower fabric is vintage 30's/40's quilt pieces. The perfect green fabric for the leaves was pulled from the bottom of a box given to me?( thanks Conner)

I was pleased to pieces over the outcome of this skirt. The customer had liked my
Nasturtium apron and so we decided that would be a good theme. It fit me like a glove. I have to admit I have not had a chance to make myself one of these "fall " skirts and I was a little sad to watch it go. However, I tried it on to show you the fit(
~The second was another
giraffe skirt, for a
sweet southern lady 
~She had been waiting for the perfect belle and burger item and she said this giraffe skirt was it!
I made a moon this time around cause she is a sweet hippie and I knew she would appreciate that.

~The button eyes are wooden and the giraffes are from quilt scraps that I believe are from the 70's . I love the blanket stitch,from the
quilter, that follows both of their necks for a spell.

I love working with vintage quilt scraps because I love the idea of collaborating with this other artist from some other time? That collaboration is a great inspiration to me. Finding colors that speak to me in
another's art work and intermingling it with my own creativity .All right I will settle down and not get all art~ spiritual on you.